Total Eclipse of The...Sun?
Today in, Wow, People Are Actually WEEPING: The shadow of the moon covers the sun and for a while, some of America goes dark.
I mean, if you're in the Path of Totality, it goes dark; if you live where I do, it just looked a bit like a storm was brewing.
Totally underwhelming.
We viewed the eclipse through a cereal box but I came inside before it was over because it's just the sun and a moon-shadow and I have work to do.
I know it was Very Very Exciting for other people, and I know I should probably be amazed but I was honestly just busy, so I'll get my news like everyone else, from Twitter.
And I'll share it with you because I'm cool like that.
First Place Photobomb Award goes to, The International Space Station.
The International Space Station just pulled off the photobomb of a lifetime #SolarEclipse2017 #SolarEclipse Photo by NASA's Joel Kowsky pic.twitter.com/Sx2PbQ649k
— Eric Alper (@ThatEricAlper) August 21, 2017
Not sure what's going on here, but it's genius.
The best footage of the #SolarEclipse you will see. #SolarEclipse2017 pic.twitter.com/KFLxiEtTn1
— SauceMonsters (@SauceMonsters) August 21, 2017
From satellite.
One of the coolest weather satellite loops I think I may ever see #SolarEclipse2017 pic.twitter.com/a1vIYZeATc
— Kirk Hinz (@Met_khinz) August 21, 2017
Cheers to the fools out there (including our president).
Hope you all enjoyed the #SolarEclipse2017 pic.twitter.com/vYALDbnPNW
— String Beans (@StrBeans) August 21, 2017
Hero of the day, Dr. Eugene Gu.
Don't worry, he was already blind. To justice, reason, and the rule of law. #TrumpResign #SolarEclipse2017 pic.twitter.com/IhRmGe0vWt
— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) August 21, 2017
I guess I'm... Oracle of Sacred Strength.
TheMichaelLeedy: RT bridgetmoynahan: Looks like I am ... Seeker of cosmic pleasure #whatareyou #solareclipse2017 #… pic.twitter.com/VUYrQjTGCq
— Verafide Designs (@verafide) August 21, 2017
This time-lapse of the #SolarEclipse2017 is truly remarkable pic.twitter.com/7V7lAnx74A
— Typical Girl (@SoDamnTrue) August 21, 2017
Mic drop AGAIN.
Friend just emailed me this #SolarEclipse2017 pic.twitter.com/HNCXpVkjq7
— Ali Leonard (@AliLeonardMC) August 21, 2017
And my personal fave.
#SolarEclipse2017 an Oreo model of the Phases of the Moon! Lol pic.twitter.com/Itl2drvxHP
— Sister Clare Bass (@SisterClareB) August 21, 2017
This has nothing to do with the eclipse.